Sleep on Satin Luxury Charmeuse Satin Pillowcase


Are you Sleeping on Satin ?

Its all over the blogs , Youtubers, Hairnistas , everybody who has started a hair journey and included Satin pillowcases have declared their glory…..I however had to try it for myself …been fooled by the hype too many times !

I started sleeping on satin pillowcases approximately 4 months prior. Made a whole bunch for my household and just simply let it be. It was such an easy routine to get into. I didn’t have to over think it or use special techniques or measure approximately or do in combination with any other product – it was such a seamless natural transition to make. All I did was Sleep. That’s it !

The results are amazingly unexpected. While the MOST significant change for me was the immediate reduction in pimple breakouts and a smoother surface to skin my hair was undoubtedly retaining moisture , I had less hair if any on the bed and I finally started seeing growth after being stuck at the nape of my neck for a few months now. I also suffered – really suffered from having the left side of my hair (the side I sleep on ) being thinner and shorter than my right side. All that has changed – literally overnight ! 

I loved it so much I made sure to source the BEST quality of silky smooth Charmeuse Satin and Voila !! Sleep on Satin pillowcases are now available for immediate purchase via our online store.

Those who know , KNOW ! We only sell products we’ve tried tested & proven to be the BEST !!

Grab one here